Gotherington Village Website

Gotherington Village Website

Planning Applications and Decisions

If you click here you will find the Tewkesbury Borough Council Planning and Licensing Portal. Enter Gotherington in the search box to find all planning applications for the village.

Life Saving Equipment

The village now owns an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) which could be used to save a life in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest. This can happen to anyone whatever their age including children. The device is located on the Rex Rhodes building and is accessible by dialling 999. Follow the link above to see what action you would need to take if you were to come across someone in the village who had suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. Please note that because the equipment is intelligent and completely automatic it is impossible to hurt anyone by using it but its use may save a life.


Morning Praise The Old Chapel

MORNING PRAISE—The Rev’d Bill Blakey will lead our first Morning Praise service at The Old Chapel, Gotherington, on 19th February. This is a new initiative and the service is an informal ‘Songs of Praise’ style event with hymns, prayers, readings and thought for the day.  We will praise God, learn, …