Gotherington Village Website

Petanque Events Calendar – DRAFT subject to change

2025 – 30th Aniversary year!!

Here is a draft of the proposed events for Gothering petanque for our 30th Anniversary year.
March Saturday 22nd
7:00pm start. AGM at the Village Hall. Followed by Fish and Chips Supper.
April Sunday 27th 10:30am start. Cotswold Invitation Doubles Tournament. (No club play available, what about 10am Saturday 26th?)
May Friday 9th 6:00pm start. Ladies v Gents match followed by bring a plate Supper.
Draw for Shutter Shield Singles Championship.
June Saturday 14th 1:30pm start. Limited Ends Melee Tournament (followed by cream tea in the Village Hall).
July Sunday 6th 2:00pm start. Triples Tournament for the Andrew Lloyd Cup.
July Sunday 27th 30th Aniversary Special Event
August Sunday 17th 10:00am start. ‘Picnic’ Tournament and Finals of the Shutter Shield & Plate Competitions.
September Friday 5th 5:30pm start. Skills! and Pimms Evening followed by bring a plate supper and Soft Boule World Championship.
September Sunday 8th Start of Autumn Averages.
November Sunday 16th Close of Autumn Averages.

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